Emphasizes the interrelationship between structure and function, and has an appreciation of the body’s ability to heal itself. Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine, or D.O.s, take a holistic approach to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of illness, disease and injury using both conventional and non-traditional medical practices, along with a highly specialized manual therapy called, Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy, or OMT.
Like M.D.s, Osteopathic Doctors are fully licensed physicians and surgeons who practice the full scope of medicine. At Core Clinic, our Osteopaths also do: exercise and proprioceptive re-training; postural correction; levitor orthotic braces; prolotherapy; and, trigger point injections.
Osteopathic medicine has always stressed the interrelationship of the body’s multisystem functions as well as the inseparable unity of the whole person. Having its roots in the late 19th century, its founder A.T. Still M.D. inspired a medical reformation that combined medical knowledge with a holistic approach stimulating the body’s inherent capacity for health and healing.
In this modern era, we are witnessing a return to the practice of medicine as an art; integrating natural and technological approaches, scientific and intuitive thinking, structural and functional therapeutics, and patient and disease focused care. Osteopathic medicine has espoused this type of approach for over 100 years with wide ranging benefits for health enhancement, peak performance and cost containment. Osteopaths in America are fully licensed physicians and employ diagnostic and treatment approaches the same as an M.D., but they offer something else…